The women’s clubhouse is a historic structure in St. Petersburg, FL. It was built in the 1940s by the City Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs, an exclusive group of philanthropic Black women determined to elevate their community. Eventually, membership waned, and the clubhouse sold to the school whose campus surrounded it. A new elementary school was built with a first-ever community room to hold exhibits about the remarkable clubhouse and its members.
Location: Melrose Elementary School, St. Petersburg, FL
Melrose Women’s Clubhouse
The story is told through photos and texts on simple reading rail structures. They are arranged in the same aspect ratio within the exhibit room as the building they describe. The story begins with photos and text setting the scene for how Black life was lived before the clubs formed. Neighborhoods, jobs, schools and recreation were all segregated.
Melrose Women’s Clubhouse
This building model shows the original building outside and in. Pressing one of two buttons begins an audio loop with sounds of a women’s tea in progress – or a big band playing. Peek inside to see the dancers! The materials are durable and robust for their elementary school environment.